Tribute page to Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller tribute page screenshot

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For my tribute page, part of a series of projects required as part of my application to Founders & Coders, I thought an interesting tribute would be to the American visionary and architect Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller, an individual who I remain fascinated by.

I first discovered who Fuller was when I visited the Montreal Biosphere around ten years ago, pictured in the photo (taken by myself) below – an environmental museum inside Fuller’s trademark geodesic dome. It was built to house the American pavillion at the 1967 World Fair in Canada.

A full description of who Fuller was, together with his work and impact, can be found on the page.

Montreal biosphere photo

To create a professional effect, and after experimenting with different typefaces on Google Fonts, I utilised Oswald sans-serif for the heading with Fuller’s name, and then Uchen serif for the h2 sub-heading (also utilised at the foot of the page). Meanwhile, for the section headings, I used Archivo Black, a font that I particularly like, and one that I think fitted Fuller’s retro-futurist aesthetic.

Also of a retro-futurist bent was the background colour I used for the body of the document – Antique White. Over this, I added the main section container, which featured the text and images. I decided to make the background straight white for this because a number of the images were on a white background, and so blended well. This includes the Dymaxion car.

Initially, I featured the time and date at the top of the document, but it didn’t blend in well with the heading, so I relocated it at the footer, together with my name. The document looks less cluttered as a result.

If you minimise the browser window, you will see that the images scale well accordingly.