Application Website for Founders & Coders’ Bootcamp + Apprenticeship

Application website for Founders and Coders screenshot

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For my application website and project gallery for Founders & Coders’ Bootcamp + Apprenticeship, I decided to use bright, welcoming colours, utilising yellow as the background colour, rather than the more forbidding black that appears on this website. I constructed an image carousel and dot buttons that showed visually the projects required to apply. For the paragraph font, I used Roboto Mono font, having seen this used on so many websites successfully.

The Project Gallery cards, meanwhile, were accompanied by a ‘Show Description’ button that revealed information about each project. I used media queries and Flexbox settings so that the cards would stack up neatly when the user reduced the size of the browser window.
N.B. The process of the user clicking the ‘Show Description’ button to reveal more information about each project is somewhat cumbersome: the user has to click twice to reveal the text, rather than just once. I am hoping to find a more seamless method.

List of Projects:

  1. Tribute Page to Buckminster Fuller
  2. Project Gallery
  3. Comment Box
  4. Fruit Shop Shopping Page
  5. Application Page
  6. Feature – Theseus & The Minotaur

A number of other coding projects that I have been involved with are also listed, including solar system animation, also included in this portfolio.