Art Badge app

Art Badge app homepage screenshotArt Badge app page screenshot

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To run this app:

  • Clone this repo to your local machine
  • Make sure you have Node installed
  • Run npm install to run all dependencies
  • Run npm run dev to run the app
  • Open http://www.localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result

For our in-house Design project at Founders & Coders – the first of two big projects at the end of my Software Development Apprenticeship, the other being the Tech for Better HOPE app  – the team that I was part of constructed an app called ArtBadge. This mobile-first app allowed users to upload images of their favourite paintings so that they could ‘collect’ and review/rate artworks that they’ve seen in person. They could build a personal database of what they’ve seen for others to compare, and in so doing, share what they have uploaded with other users of the app.

Seeing artworks digitally rarely compares to the experience of seeing them in context and person. Therefore, the aim of the app was to get more people to see more artwork, and to encourage them to share their experiences of seeing art in person.

As with the HOPE app, we spent a week producing prototypes of the app and undergoing user research in an Agile/Scrum workflow manner, as well as establishing our tech stack and our roles; mine was Quality Assurance. Some screenshots of what we produced during this design process week can be viewed below:

Art Badge Figma wireframes screenshot

Art Badge Miro wireframes screenshot

Art Badge Miro wireframes screenshot two

For the two weeks’ coding sprint, we used the following tech stack:

  • React
  • Node.JS
  • Supabase (for authentication of user, and database)
  • Native CSS
  • Cypress Testing for testing

Due to time constraints, the app does not appear consistently designed on a laptop. It only works visually when viewed on a mobile phone.