iO Sphere – Data Analyst Experience Accelerator

Transactions table data visualisations screenshot

Prism Driver Tree

Screenshot of one pound items presentation

Screenshot of KPI visualisation


View example of team project (PDF)
View example of personal project (PDF)

From October – December 2024, I undertook the full-time Data Analytics Experience Accelerator at the company iO-Sphere. Together with my previous Bootcamp at Cambridge Spark, the skills that I have gained from the Experience Accelerator have been valuable in preparing me for a role in Data Analytics, while my Bootcamp in Software Development at Founders & Coders prior to this laid the groundwork for a detailed understanding of coding and data principles.

Alongside learning technical skills in PowerBI, SQL, Google BigQuery, Maths and Statistics for Data, and Excel for Data, I also operated in an immersive, hands-on experience via working as part of iO-Sphere’s fictional eCommerce company’s data team, where I dealt with over 500+ million rows of data in Prism – a real data set that exists in BigQuery. I handled business cases; gained knowledge of GDPR principles; and undertook marketing and financial training, including learning about customer segmentation, making effective presentations, and using data to solve business problems. This included focusing on several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that eCommerce companies would most likely prioritise in importance. Some examples of these were:

  • Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Conversion Rate (CVR)
  • Clicks Per Mille (thousand) (CPM)
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  • Total Acquisition Costs (TAC)
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CTV)
  • Cart Abandonment Rate (CAR)
  • Average Order Frequency (AOF)

Accordingly, you can see in the screenshots above some examples of how I used data visualisation to address these key metrics, and in so doing, provided important, insightful recommendations on what the company could do to increase its sales. This includes mousing over elements of the data visualisation, whereupon it will show detailed data in a tooltip relating to that specific section of data. This visualisation was done both alone and as part of teams.

For my final, solo project, viewable in PDF above, I undertook a study of A/B testing from the Prism database. This test observed the diverging differences between sales figures from a Control Group and Test Group, the latter of whom were offered a tiered loyalty scheme that bestowed a number of benefits, such as discounts and free shipping, while the former group was not afforded this scheme. The test period was from 1st January 2022 onwards.

Completing these visualisations meant working in SQL in BigQuery first, before usually transferring over the correct final code to PowerBI, in order for the data to be visualised. This presented challenges, not the least in having to convert the SQL to DAX for measures. However, I have risen to these challenges and have gained an exponential knowledge of what it takes to be a Data Analyst at a company as a result of completing the Experience Accelerator.